give access to the ancient tones
Events with
Energetic Gong/Energetic Release
First he travelled around this World, and playing releasing frequencies, at places he was guided to.
In 2018 a strong "message" came, saying Gong, and next day a Titanium Gong, Bifrost, was bought.
If you wish me to visit and run a Energetic Gongbath, and sharing of my other knowledge about this World and beyond, please contact me via E-mail
I may also run Live stream Gongbath via Energetic Gong on Facebook, or personal online sound-healing via Zoom.
Om du ønsker å ha ett Gongbad, og/eller deling av min innsikt om det Spirituelle Kosmos, i ditt område, vennligst kontakt meg via E-post
Energetic Gong holder også Live strømming via Energetic Gong on Facebook, og personlige lyd healing via Zoom
The Gong and Sound toys I use, changes slowly through the years, to be able to constantly explore the various effect coming from my sounds.
I do also more and more let out the rural tones from my self, and the trigger quite an respons from the Gongs :-)